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(1) Luke 14:7-10
(1) Luke 14:7-10
/14:7/ When he noticed how the guests chose the places of honor, he told them a parable. /14:8/ "When you are invited by someone to a wedding banquet, do not sit down at the place of honor, in case someone more distinguished than you has been invited by your host; /14:9/ and the host who invited both of you may come and say to you, 'Give this person your place,' and then in disgrace you would start to take the lowest place. /14:10/ But when you are invited, go and sit down at the lowest place, so that when your host comes, he may say to you, 'Friend, move up higher'; then you will be honored in the presence of all who sit at the table with you.
RCL: Proper 17C
ECUSA: & RC: Sunday 22C
John Dominic Crossan
Item: 459
Stratum: III (80-120 CE)
Attestation: Single
Historicity: -
Common Sayings Tradition: No