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Raised Man's Family


(1a) SecMk 2r14b-16
(1b) Mark 10:46a



(1a) SecMk 2r14b-16

Fragment 2: To be located between 10:46a ("Then they came to Jericho") and 10;46b ("As he was leaving Jericho..."). Clement to Theodore, Folio 2, recto, lines 14--16

/ 2:1/The sister of the young man whom Jesus loved was there, along with his mother and Salome, /2/but Jesus refused to see them. [Complete Gospels]

(1b) Mark 10:46a

/10:46/ They came to Jericho. *** As he and his disciples and a large crowd were leaving Jericho, Bartimaeus son of Timaeus, a blind beggar, was sitting by the roadside.


John Dominic Crossan

Item: 254
Stratum: II (60-80 CE)
Historicity: +
Common Sayings Tradition: No


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